Here are some good rules of thumb to help you make these important decisions. First, if it is a family recording of a special event, or the kids playing with the tape recorder or the music of a loved one, you want to save it. The cost will not be much, but the value will be immeasurable. For large music collections,w e help you evaluate the most practical path to what you want. Sometimes it makes sense to digitize. Other time, it is less expensive to simply re-purchase the music in a digital form. We help you make clear-headed decisions that meet your objective.
Unfortunately, the physics of that magnetic tape do not allow them to last forever. Most magnetic tape begins to deteriorate in about 13-15 years. At 30 years old, there will be issues. At 50 years old, the deficiencies of the technology at the time, plus the aging process makes audio one of the most urgent media to transfer. We will get you the best clean recording possible. Audio and background cleanup services are also available.