


  • The Planning Kit
  • Interview Questionnaire
  • Script/Treatment Review
  • Video Capture Time
  • Video Editing Time
  • Private Screening Session
  • 3 Minute Video & 30 Second Trailer Video
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Basic Package

The Basic Small Business Package is designed to give the client the video their business needs to increase company notoriety and is priced to give them the best deal for their money. The Package includes a Planing kit, A Shooting Schedule, Script Review, and a Breakdown of the camera set-ups which covers all the work that will need to be involved in making a 3-minute edited video and a 30-second trailer video. The Planning Kit will include all items discussed with the client by the salesperson and include everything needed for the pre-production phase of the video. This includes the Script or Film Treatment, Shooting Schedule, and any and production notes relevant to the day of shooting. After the pre-production phase is complete the client will then schedule what day they wish to shoot the video with the contracted videographer.That day the videographer will arrive and begin the pre-scheduled Camera Set-up, and begin shooting 2 hours of footage needed for the video. After completing filming the video will then be uploaded and reviewed by the producer for quality assurance before being sent for editing. Once sent to the editor the video will be cut into both a 3-minute video as well as a 30-second trailer video. Once the videos are completed they will be sent back to the producer for review before being shown to the client. If further modifications need to be made to their videos, they will be modified to best suit the client’s needs. Once the videos are to the client’s satisfaction they will receive copies of the videos to use as they see fit.


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