


  • The Planning Kit
  • Interview Questionnaire
  • Script/Treatment Review
  • Preproduction Planning Consultation
  • On Site Preproduction Planning
  • Longer Video Capture Time
  • Video Editing Time
  • Private Viewing Session
  • 60 Minute Family Biography Video
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SKU: ypyl026 Category:


  • Decide on the media (photos and video) you want to appear in the Business Slide Show and bring or send them to us.
  • A specialist will be in contact with you to help you decide on music, themes and to get specific relevant information (dates to use in titles, the identities of people appearing in the media, etc…)
  • The specialist will create your Business Slide Show.
  • The client will Review Business Slide Show and give feedback.
  • When the Business Slideshow is complete to your satisfaction, We will deliver it USB stick.
  • Not counting the scanning process, Business Slide Show creation can take 3 days to a week, depending on workload.


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Nunc lacus elit, faucibus ac laoreet sed, dapibus ac mi. Maecenas eu ante a elit tempus fermentum. Aliquam commodo tincidunt semper. Phasellus accumsan, justo ac mollis pharetra, ex dui pharetra nisl, a scelerisque ipsum nulla ac sem. Cras eu risus urna. Duis lorem sapien, congue eget nisl sit amet, rutrum faucibus elit.

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