By completing this transaction, you are agreeing to allow us to use your credit card for the amount above and understand that because the funds will be distributed within seven days and cannot be reclaimed, refunds are only possible if you notify us in writing to within 5 days of this transaction. After that time, no refunds will be given. Use of a credit card to pay for the Services is governed by the credit card issuer agreement. You must refer to that agreement for your responsibilities and liabilities as a cardholder. By providing us with a credit card number, you authorize us to charge the card for all charges generated under this Agreement, until its termination, or prior authorization by you to stop charging the credit card. It is your responsibility to provide us with updated credit card information on a timely basis prior to the expiration or termination of the credit card on file. We shall not be responsible in the event your credit card limit is insufficient to cover payment or the card is declined for any reason.