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Aged Photos

Over time, photos can fade, losing contrast and the ability to distinguish details. However, a proper scan can reveal details that the human eye cannot perceive. This allows our talented artists to enhance the photo manually, along with support from a multitude of Artifical Intelligence tools.

Water Damaged Photos

Water damage can often be fixed! Smeared emulsion and ink, spots, stains and warped paper can all be corrected, sometimes excellently. In the event of flood or fire, you might be eligibale for insurance coverage, even if the adjuster tells you otherwise. Call for more information.

Torn and Ripped Photos

When a photo has tears across hands and faces, it becomes quite tricky to restore properly. When whole pieces are missing, it often requires a clever strategy to make sure the end result exceeds your expectation. YourLegacyYourStory knows how to deliver a finished product that is so seamless, you won’t even remember the problem ever existed!

Aritifical Intelligence

During the pandemic, a host of new tools for enhancing and clarifying photos became available. For the first time, blurry, out-of-focus photos with poor detail can be automatically enhanced to stunning clarity. At YourLegacyYourStory, we are experts at getting the finest results possible.

Videotape Restoration

Old videotape, particularly early VHS, could have resolution as low as 240p. Using well-maintained machines, time based correction, upsampling and aritficial intelleigence tools, we can make a significant improvement in your treasured and valuable old videotapes. Ask about our “Wedding Video Makeover”!

8mm & 16mm Film Restoration

Old film really is a series of individual photographs played rapidly and appear as a movie. YourLegacyYourStory’s strategy is to capture each of those individual photos at a high-resolution, run them through finely adjusted software and then string the movie back together with the newly improved photos. The results can be stunning!

Newspaper Restoration

Old newspaper is often half as thick as standard paper. It yellows quickly, tears easily, and has a very short lifespan. YourLegacyYourStory performs some of the best newspaper restoration in the world. If you have some of these old, delicate treasures, we are the best place to obtain incredible results.